Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Snakes on a Plane

This movie will definatly be one of the best this year. I mean c'mon, with a title like snakes on a plan you just cant resist. Thats what Sam Jackson said when he read the script. But this better be no comedy because I lost an Uncle to snakes on a plane. While one of the poisonous ones bit him in the ankle, another one bit his eye out. So this movie better be portraying and saluting those who died to snakes on a plane. And please do me a favor and go see it on the big screen to remember those who died. And in the words of Samuel L. Jackson, "I want the mother fuckin' snakes off the mother fuckin' plane. PEACE!


Waldo J. Cartridge said...

too much potty mouth

Bobby M said...

Lighten up waldo. He's quoting Samuel L. and thats what he said. Censorship sucks!

Paul said...

Hey WOODY your name is obscene!!!

Bobby M said...

You need another entry Scan Man!

Waldo J. Cartridge said...