Saturday, November 04, 2006

Extreme Makeover: Blog Edition

The Edgar Smorrison Blog has just finished undergoing a makeover. The new, "Blogger Beta" is very easy and cool to use. Thanks Wally.


Michard said...

Pat, read my new post and comment. I want to know if you support the penalty or not.

Waldo J. Cartridge said...

Edgar, kindly tell Michard that I cannot comment on his blog untill he updates to Blogger Beta. Blogs that don't allow anonymous comments also do not allow blogger beta accounts. Try to comment on Michards: you'll get the same thing.

I don't understand your "views" on your sidebar. It just says "casinos", and when I click on it, I get a UAE: SITE BLOCKED message. (There's a lot of internet censorship over here.)

Josef D. Guttenheimer said...

hey heres a link to my new blog.


Scanman said...

wow nice link dumbass. you didnt even put it on.

Scanman said...

Yeah, W it shows up on my computer. It may just be the site that I got it from. It doesnt show up on the school computer either. Mich, can you computer see it.