Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Greatest Rap Eva

Here it is, A great masterpiece.

Yo yo my name is Edga Smo
I’m here to rap about racism yo
Listen up an I will sho that Skynyrds not racist yo

Way back when there was a band from Alabama yeah man
There name was Lynyrd Skynyrd and if you don’t treat them right,
They’ll come to your house and pick a fight.

They love all people especially blacks
They don’t care about other people’s racist attacks
If you think they’re racist you’re a fool
Get a history lesson at your school.

Michard on the other hand prefers the Allman Brothers Band
I’m not saying they’re not good but they got nothing on the hood.

The Confed flag is just a symbol of southern pride and unity
(Shit that doesn’t rhyme)

When I was at the Skynyrd show
I drove up in my fo by fo
With my pimped out rims like on MTV
No one wanted to mess with me

I got my Saturday Night Special just like in the song
Next time you see me I’ll be wearin a thong

On stage at the show, I saw Mumia and Skynyrd sharing a smoke
I’m tellin the truth, it ain’t no joke. It was right after I bought a Vanilla Coke

Afta I bought the tickets I just about went broke
It makes me sound really poor
But I live in a VW Bus down by the shore



Michard said...

I'd like to change the title a little. Subsitute Greates for Wors. That'll clear it up. By the way, if that didn't give it away, I'll say it right now. The rap sucked. Once again Pat, you think you or something you do/did is the greatest but it's really just okay or bad.

Michard said...
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Scanman said...


They teach you how to spell in the elementary school you fool.

Michard said...

Pat, you're dumb.

Waldo J. Cartridge said...

I hate to be the one to tell you this, but that rap was god awful. It was vomit inducing.

"Don't make me vomit in my own mouth."-Steven Carrell

Michard said...


Scanman said...

michard, stop telling john to vote. Its annoying and he already told you why hes not voting

Bobby M said...

I would like to say that I co-wrote that rap and I'm proud of it.

Michard said...

Lee, obviously this would be your work. It's what you're famous for. Making awful raps and thinking that no one dies.

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