Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Aussie Pink Floyd

Fellow Blog buddie and former enemy in BWI, has decided to take some friends to the Australian Pink Floyd Show for his birthday. Originally, he planned to go to the fanciest restaurant in Boston. I said, "there is no way Im going to a fancy restaurant. I was the one that convinced him to take us to the Pink Floyd show. Since he wanted to go to something "Expensive" I thought that it fit the description better than a fancy restaurant. Anyway, this show should be a amazing. If you know me, you know that I like light shows and I know that this will have an amazing light show. If you want to see their videos or listen to the music, visit Peace!


Josef D Guttenheimer said...


nothings def. yet.

Waldo J. Cartridge said...

Was it Chambers or Michard? (my guess: Chambers)

Scanman said...

CORRECT! hes the only one with enough money to take all of us

Waldo J. Cartridge said...

I know I need to post more, I just have so much to do. I'm in the play, on the swim team, 30 minute drive to school, and now this new club: Academic Quiz Team. It's knid of like Jeopardy or Granite State Challenge, but I made Varsity. It's supposed to be for Juniors and Seniors, but myself and another sophomore were just too sharp. There's 9 Varsity, 9 JV. We're going to Kuwait for our regional championship, and possibly to Chicago for the national championship. We've also been invited to a match in Shanghai.

As for Isoflex, if I couldn't find any in New Hampshire I bet I won't find any here.

PJFilms sounds good. I'll send you my new e-mail and you can mail my the scripts. I've made some movies over here too.

Michard said...

Are you kidding me W? I'm the poorest one out of all of us.